Resources for Educators and Academic Partners


Educator Toolkit

Information and Resources for Educators and Academic Partners

Purpose of this Toolkit

Thank you for your leadership in offering courses on financial planning and helping advance the profession.

This toolkit can to help you promote the courses that lead up to FP Canada’s financial planning certifications by providing ready-to-use content and resources for faculty and prospective students. The content will provide them with a better understanding of the financial planning profession, and will offer detailed insights into the Certified Financial Planner® certification and Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ certification.

Here’s how you, your marketing department, and career centre colleagues can use this content

  1. Publish the content directly on your website
  2. Share the brochures and other information directly with students
  3. Share this section with your marketing team for promoting career paths and opportunities
  4. Share this section with your career centre to help them talk about professional financial planning and the process of getting certified by FP Canada
  5. Direct students to FP Canada’s Become a Financial Planner webpage for more information on the profession
Three people 'physically' building a website. Illustration

FP Canada as a career -illustration of QAFP and CFP professionals in work environment.

You can use the following content to talk to your students about the profession of financial planning.

Before diving into information about certifications and courses leading up to those certifications, it’s helpful for students to understand what it means to be a professional financial planner.

Use this information to answer some of the common questions they might have about the profession, such as:

  • What is financial planning
  • Why pursue this career option
  • What does a financial planner do?
  • The importance of pursuing professional certifications from FP Canada
  • ‘Your career in financial planning’ brochure and other useful resources

Download content to promote financial planning as a career

Simply download the above document and copy and paste the content where needed.

You can use the following content to talk to your students about CFP certification. We’ve put together information that answers some common questions students might have about CFP certification, such as:

  • What does a CFP professional do?
  • Why pursue CFP certification
  • What their future as a CFP professional might look like
  • Quotes and stories from successful CFP professionals
  • CFP certification brochure and other useful resources
CFP logo badge

Download content to promote CFP certification

Simply download the above document and copy and paste the content where needed.

Enhance the credibility of your education programs and ensure compliance with FP Canada marks

If you are marketing education programs leading to CFP certification, ensuring that your marketing materials are up to date with the correct FP Canada marks is absolutely essential.
We’ve created a marks guide exclusively for FP Canada-approved education providers to walk you through how to best use these marks to promote your approved programs effectively.

Download the marks usage guide for educators!

You can use the following content to talk to your students about QAFP certification. We’ve put together information that answers some common questions students might have about QAFP certification, such as:

  • What does a QAFP professional do
  • Why pursue QAFP certification
  • What their future as a QAFP professional might look like
  • Quotes and stories from successful QAFP professionals
  • QAFP certification brochure and other useful resources
QAFP logo badge

Download content to promote QAFP certification

Simply download the above document and copy and paste the content where needed.

Enhance the credibility of your education programs and ensure compliance with FP Canada marks

If you are marketing education programs leading to QAFP certification, ensuring that your marketing materials are up to date with the correct FP Canada marks is absolutely essential.
We’ve created a marks guide exclusively for FP Canada-approved education providers to walk you through how to best use these marks to promote your approved programs effectively.

Download the marks usage guide for educators!

Direct students to the FP Canada website

Link your web content and social media posts to FP Canada’s ‘Become a Financial Planner’ website, where students can learn more about the profession of financial planning, find information on FP Canada certification and can read about successful professionals certified by FP Canada.

Become a Financial Planner

You can also directly copy this link:

Students can sign-up to stay updated on certifications from FP Canada

You can encourage students to sign up to receive updates from FP Canada using a link to the form below. They can expect to receive updates about certifications, news from the industry, invitations to exclusive events, and stories about successful professionals. Staying actively engaged can help keep them motivated on their career path.

Sign-up-to stay up to date

You can also directly copy this link:

Who is FP Canada and how do they play a role here?

Established in 1995, FP Canada is a national not-for-profit education, certification, and professional oversight organization working in the public interest. FP Canada is dedicated to championing better financial wellness for all Canadians by leading the advancement of professional financial planning across the country. There are about 17,000 Certified Financial Planner® professionals and about 1,400 Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ professionals (as of June 30, 2024), who are held to FP Canada’s rigorous professional and ethical standards. Learn more at

Simply direct students to profiles of successful financial planners certified by FP Canada using the link below:


A day in the life of professional financial planners


FP Canada Career Ambassadors are available to speak to your students about the financial planning profession and can host student information sessions to talk about financial planning as a career, a day in the life of a financial planner, the benefits of becoming certified and the path to certification. Career Ambassadors are also available to take part in other planned student events (e.g. industry nights, career fairs, etc.).


Request a Career Ambassador




Have Questions? You can write to us at