
Certification fees

Certification Fees QAFP® certification CFP® Certification
New Certification Fee $280
Prorated based on certification date
Prorated based on certification date
Certification Renewal Fee $280
Certification Reinstatement Fee $280
Prorated based on certification date
Prorated based on certification date
Administration Fees QAFP Certification CFP Certification
Certification Renewal Late Fee
Applies after certification renewal deadline
$50 $100
New Certification Administrative Fee $75 $175
Certification Reinstatement Administrative Fee $330 $620



Certification exam fees

Exam Fees QAFP Certification CFP Certification
Exam Registration – Early Bird Rate $650
Exam Registration – Regular Rate $750 $1000
Administrative Exam Fees QAFP Certification CFP Certification
Practice Exam
Purchased at time of exam registration.
$125 $175
Practice Exam
Purchased following exam registration.
$150 $200
Alternate Location Fee
within Canada
$350 $350
Exam Re-Score Fee $100 $350
Postponement Exam candidates may postpone up to two months prior to the exam date (until the early-bird registration deadline) free of charge, and thereafter until one week after the exam date for a fee of $250. Exam candidates may postpone up to two months prior to the exam date (until the early-bird registration deadline) free of charge, and thereafter until one week after the exam date for a fee of $250.
Withdrawal Date of Withdrawal Refund
  Prior to early bird registration deadline (approx. two months prior to the exam date) 100%
  Between early bird and final registration deadline (approx. one month prior to the exam date) 50%
  After final registration deadline No refund



FP Canada Institute™ Certification Education Fees

*If you're interested in enrolling in the CFP® Professional Education Program, note that the Introduction to Professional Ethics (IPE) course has been integrated into the program and no longer needs to be purchased separately.

Education ProgramQAFP certificationCFP certification
Technical Education – Fundamentals – Single Course$275$275
Technical Education – Fundamentals – Final Assessment$100$100
Technical Education – Advanced Course with Final Assessmentn/a$600
QAFP Professional Education Program$1,200n/a
CFP Professional Education Program*n/a$1,665
QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge Programn/a$900
Introduction of Professional Ethics*n/a$200
ProgramsQAFP Certification FeesCFP Certification Fees

QAFP Certification Technical Education Program

  • Technical Education – Fundamentals
    (6 Courses and Final Assessment)

QAFP Certification Program

  • Technical Education – Fundamentals
    (6 Courses and Final Assessment)
  • QAFP Professional Education Program

QAFP Certification Program for Mutual Funds or Securities licensed representatives

  • Technical Education – Fundamentals
    (5 Courses and Final Assessment)
  • QAFP Professional Education Program

CFP Certification Technical Education Program

  • Technical Education – Fundamentals
    (6 Courses and Final Assessment)
  • Technical Education – Advanced
    (Single Course and Final Assessment)

CFP Certification Program

  • Technical Education – Fundamentals
    (6 Courses and Final Assessment)
  • Technical Education – Advanced
    (Single Course and Final Assessment)
  • CFP Professional Education Program

CFP Certification Program for Mutual Funds or Securities licensed representatives

  • Technical Education – Fundamentals
    (5 Courses and Final Assessment)
  • Technical Education – Advanced
    (Single Course and Final Assessment)
  • CFP Professional Education Program

QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge Education Program

  • Technical Education – Advanced Single Course and Final Assessment
  • QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge Program
Administrative FeesTechnical EducationQAFP Professional Education Program and QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge ProgramCFP Professional Education Program
Late Registrationsn/an/a$200
  • Individual courses: 75% refund within 20 business days of purchase
  • Final Assessments: No refunds
  • Programs: 75% refund within 60 business days of purchase
  • 75% refund within 20 business days of the program start date3
  • No refunds 21 or more business days after the program start date3
  • 75% refund within 20 business days of the program start date3
  • No refunds 21 or more business days after the program start date3
Extensions$100 per course
$50 for Final Assessment
Final Assessment Retakes$75n/an/a
  1. Students registered in the CFP Professional Education Program may postpone prior to the program start date
  2. Refunds are not available for Technical Education courses in which the Course Attestation has been completed. For Professional Education Programs, refunds are not available if an assignment or quiz has been submitted
  3. The program start date is defined as:
    • QAFP Professional Education Program: the date a student accesses the program on the FP Canada Institute Learning Platform
    • QAFP Certification to CFP Certification Bridge Program: the education application approval date
    • CFP Professional Education Program: the cohort start date



Technical Education (Core and Advanced Curriculum) Exemption Fees

Exemption feesFees
FP Canada Exemption Fee
For candidates applying with a Securities License (IIROC), Mutual Funds License (MFDA), Provincial Insurance Licenses, DFSA, PFA, RFRA, RRA or RRC® certifications
FP Canada Exemption Fee
For candidates applying with PFP® or CLU® certifications
Alternate Path Application Fee
For candidates applying with a relevant professional qualification (CPA, CFA, FCIA, or LLB, JD), F. Pl. or Foreign CFP Professional

* Students are exempt from this fee if they purchase any FP Canada Institute Technical Education course or program.



FP Canada Institute™ Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Fees

Advanced Certificate in 3H Financial Planning™Fees
Advanced Certificate in 3H Financial Planning (15 courses)
The complete Advanced Certificate in 3H Financial Planning includes 15 individual courses and eight Skill Based 3H and Process Stage Concentrations

Skilled Based Concentration (Five courses each)
Each concentration is a set of five specialized courses and offers a deep dive into a specific skill set:

  • Human Behaviour
  • Honesty and Ethics
  • Holistic Financial Planning

Process Stage Concentration (3 courses each)
Each Concentration is a set of three specialized courses and offers an in-depth understanding of how 3H concepts apply to each stage in the planning process:

  • Enhancing Client Engagement
  • Deepening Client Conversations
  • Improving Analytical Effectiveness
  • Building Client-Centric Plans
  • Supporting Client Action
Individual Courses $130 (each)
Other Individual Courses 
Introduction to Professional Ethics (CPD) $200

Education Provider Fees

Education Provider Fees
Core Curriculum Program Approval Fee $750
Advanced Curriculum Program Approval Fee $500
Core and Advanced Curriculum Program Approval Fee $1,000
CFP Professional Education Accreditation Fee $500
CFP Professional Education Accreditation Faculty Access Fee $1,500
CFP Professional Education Accreditation Student Access Fee $350/student
CE Credit Approval Fee - FP Canada $110/credit hour
CE Credit Approval Fee - MFDA $110/credit hour
CE Credit Approval Fee - FP Canada and MFDA $110/credit hour
CE Credit Approval – Review Rush Fee $350/CE Activity Application

FP Retired™ Status Fees

FP Retired Status Fees
New FP Retired Status Fee

Prorated based on status start date
FP Retired Status Renewal Fee $95
Administrative Fee Fees
New FP Retired Status Administrative Fee $35

Other products and services

Product or ServiceFees
CFP Professional Diploma1$75
CFP Professional Magnetic Pin$15
QAFP Professional Diploma1$75
QAFP Professional Magnetic Pin$15
Code of Ethics Poster (1 copy)$5
Code of Ethics Poster (50 copies)$79
CFP Professional Here’s Your Plan Brochure (50 copies)$29
QAFP Professional Here’s Your Plan Brochure (50 copies)$29

1Frames available from third party frame provider at fpcanada.mdf-store.ca





Need help?

FP Canada provides information and guidance to QAFP professionals and CFP professionals at all stages of their careers.

Certificant and Student Services is available Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET.

Contact us