
Qualifying work experience may be accepted as an exemption to the postsecondary diploma and degree requirement.

QAFP certification

  • with five years of work experience, you can be exempted from the diploma requirement

CFP certification

  • with 10 years of work experience, you can be exempted from the degree requirement
  • i you have held QAFP certification for a minimum of five years and are a QAFP professional in good standing at the time of applying for CFP certification, you can be exempted from the degree requirement

Report your work experience

If you’re looking for an exemption from the postsecondary education requirement, submit your work experience today.

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Find your path to certification

The FP Canada Certification Pathfinder™ is a new approach to help you find your path to becoming a professional financial planner.

Once you’ve created your FP Canada account, your custom dashboard will guide you to certification, recording your progress as you take your next steps.

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