FP Canada™ Committees and Panels

The FP Canada Board of Directors appoints members to five standing board committees and five independent panels to help carry out its responsibilities.

Examination Panels Standards Panel
Conduct Review Panel
Hearing Panel Roster



Board Development Committee

The purpose of the Board Development Committee is to foster Board effectiveness by:

  • Facilitating the effective functioning of the Board and enhancing the quality of Board governance, communications, engagement and collaboration, while fostering an effective Board/CEO relationship;
  • Board succession planning;
  • Establishing and assessing Director qualifications;
  • Identifying and recruiting qualified Board, Officer, Committee and Panel candidates;
  • Measuring Board performance;
  • Overseeing the orientation and continuing education of Directors; and
  • Developing, reviewing and revising (as necessary) Board Policies and By-laws.



Teresa Black Hughes, CFP

Financial Advisor and Portfolio Manager

RGF Integrated Wealth Management

Vancouver, BC

Christopher Dewdney, CFP


Dewdney & Co.

Toronto, ON

Ronald P. Harvey, CFP

Retired Executive

Ottawa, ON

Winston Maharaj

Retired Executive

Winnipeg, MB

Léa Saadé, Pl. Fin

Regional Vice-President-Wealth Management- Montreal & Laval area

Financière des Professionnels

Montreal, Quebec

Susan Silma

Leading Member Engagement


Toronto, ON

Nira Sivakumar

AI Partner


Toronto, Ontario


Human Resources & Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities to:

  • Set the compensation of the President & CEO;
  • Negotiate, enter into and administer the employment contract of the President & CEO;
  • Conduct the annual performance review of the President & CEO;
  • Establish corporate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs);
  • Review the organization’s HR program and total compensation philosophy; and
  • Ensure an adequate succession plan for the President & CEO is in place.



Ronald P. Harvey, CFP

Retired Executive

Ottawa, ON

Teresa Black Hughes, CFP

Financial Advisor and Portfolio Manager

RGF Integrated Wealth Management

Vancouver, BC

Susan Howe, CFP

Regional Financial Planning Consultant

RBC Financial Planning

Arnprior, ON

Winston Maharaj

Retired Executive

Winnipeg, MB


Finance and Audit Committee

The purpose of the Finance and Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in its oversight responsibilities as it relates to:

  • Financial reporting and related compliance;
  • External auditor selection, independence performance;
  • Financial risk management; and
  • Monitoring and reviewing investment policies, performance and management.



Susan Howe, CFP

Regional Financial Planning Consultant

RBC Financial Planning

Arnprior, ON

Moira Klein-Swormink

Principal, Branch Development

Edward Jones Canada

Mississauga, ON

Denise McEachern, QAFP

Assistant Vice President, Estate & Financial Planning Services

Sun Life

Toronto, Ontario

Julie Raîche, BAA Pl. Fin.

Vice President, Personal Banking, Eastern Quebec

National Bank

Montreal, QC


Recognition and Awards Committee

The purpose of the Recognition and Awards Committee is to oversee the recognition of individuals through the following programs:



Yves L. Giroux, Pl. Fin.

Vice President of Multi-Network Business Development

Desjardins Financial Security

Toronto, ON

Teresa Black Hughes, CFP

Financial Advisor and Portfolio Manager

RGF Integrated Wealth Management

Vancouver, BC

Dan Busi, CFP

Vice President & Investment Counsellor

RBC PH&N Investment Counsel

Calgary, AB

Christopher Dewdney, CFP


Dewdney & Co.

Toronto, ON

Dawn Hawley, CFP



Edmonton, AB


Joint Strategy Committee

The Joint Strategy Committee is comprised of members from the FP Canada Board of Directors and the Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF) Board of Directors.

The purpose of the Joint Strategy Committee is to:

  • Share strategic discussions to the extent approved by each respective Board;
  • Take on selected joint governance matters; and
  • Be responsible for other items as determined by each of the Parties’ Board.



FP Canada

Tashia Batstone, MBA, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D

President and CEO

FP Canada

Toronto, ON

Teresa Black Hughes, CFP

Financial Advisor and Portfolio Manager

RGF Integrated Wealth Management

Vancouver, BC

Yves L. Giroux, Pl. Fin.

Vice President of Multi-Network Business Development

Desjardins Financial Security

Toronto, ON

Ronald P. Harvey, CFP

Retired Executive

Ottawa, ON



Chantal Lamoureux

President and CEO

L’Institut québécois de planification financière (IQPF)

Verdun, QC

Aurèle Courcelles, CFP, FP Canada Fellow

Assistant Vice-President, Tax and Estate Planning

IG Wealth Management

Winnipeg, MB

Bernard Fortin Pl. Fin.

Vice-President, Marketing and Wealth Management


Mélanie Beauvais, PI. Fin.

Bachand Lafleur, Groupe Conseil Inc.


Examination Panels

There are two independent Exam Panels of the FP Canada Standards Council: one for each of the QAFP® examination and the CFP® examination. The Exam Panels are comprised of experts in all areas of financial planning, such as retirement planning, risk management and taxation.

The Exam Panels’ purpose is to ensure:

  • The certification examinations sufficiently and appropriately assess the competence of candidates to certification by demonstrating the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities; and
  • Individuals who are qualified receive a passing score and individuals who are not qualified receive a failing score.


QAFP Examination Panel Members

Neal Kongkham, CFP

Co-Founder and Financial Planner

Black Oak Financial

London, ON

Jenny Cho, CFP

Senior Financial Planner

TD Wealth Financial Planning

Toronto, ON

MaryAnn Kokan-Nyhof, CFP, CLU

Division Manager

IG Wealth Management

Winnipeg, MB

Eddy Mejlholm, CFP, CIM, FCSI

Portfolio Manager & Wealth Advisor

RBC Wealth Management

Chilliwack, BC

Carla Norris, CFP, FP Canada Fellow

Regional Financial Planner

National Bank Financial

Vancouver, BC

F. Darlene Robert CFP

Partner/ Certified Financial planner

Dixon & Patterson Financial Planning

Moncton, NB


Shannon Bernstein, CFP

Senior Financial Consultant

MD Management Ltd.

Kitchener, ON

Robert An, CFP

Director, Wealth Strategist & Team Lead

CIBC Private Wealth

Vancouver, BC

Gisele Gherasim, CFP


Brothers & Company

Regina, SK

Timothy Kileel, CFP

Portfolio Manager

MD Private Investment Counsel

Moncton, NB

Jeff Lightheart, CFP

President & Financial Planner

Lightheart Insurance and Financial Services

Regina, SK

Dan Martonfi, CFP

Regional Vice-President

Educators Financial Group

Toronto, ON

Minoo Naderi, CFP

VP, Family Office Services

Forthlane Partners

Toronto, ON

Jacqueline Soong, CFP

Certified Financial Planner

Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network

Toronto, ON

R. Paul Thorne, CFP, TEP

Director of Advanced Planning, Estate & Financial Planning Services, Central/Atlantic Region

Sun Life Financial

Dartmouth, NS

John Vermeulen, CFP

Wealth Advisor

Vancity/Aviso Wealth

Vancouver, BC

Ian Wood, CFP

Investment Counsellor

Cardinal Capital Management Inc.

Winnipeg, MB


Standards Panel

The Standards Panel is composed of CFP professionals, licensed financial planners from the province of Québec and at least one public member.

The Standards Panel is responsible for and has delegated responsibility from the Board over:

The Standards Panel has issued Guidance to the Profession on a number of occasions. These notices to the profession have served as opportunities to FP Canada certificants and members of the public regarding the practice of financial planning, and the process FP Canada certificants should follow in providing financial planning services to Canadians.



Julie Seberras, CFP

Head of Wealth Planning and Practice Management

Manulife Wealth

Toronto, ON

Nathalie Bachand, Pl. Fin.

Founding President

Bachand Lafleur, groupe conseil inc.

Montreal, QC

Manmeet Bhatia, CFP

President & CEO

Fiduciary Trust Canada

Vancouver, BC

Aurèle Courcelles, CFP, FP Canada Fellow

Assistant Vice-President, Tax and Estate Planning

IG Wealth Management

Winnipeg, MB

Lisa Henriques, CFP

Financial Planner

Royal Bank of Canada

Burlington, ON

Ryan Laverty, CFP


Seneca College

Toronto, ON

Russ Siemens

President and Board Chair

Innovation Credit Union

Swift Current, Saskatchewan

R. Paul Thorne, CFP, TEP

Director of Advanced Planning, Estate & Financial Planning Services, Central/Atlantic Region

Sun Life Financial

Dartmouth, NS

David Truong, CFP, Pl. Fin.

Chief Advisor, Expertise Centre

National Bank Private Banking 1859

Montréal, QC


Conduct Review Panel

The Conduct Review Panel is an independent panel composed of CFP professionals and at least one public member which reviews staff reports and directs the appropriate disposition of complaints in the public interest.

The Conduct Review Panel’s purpose is to support the fulfilment of FP Canada Standards Council’s professional-oversight mandate by reviewing staff reports and determining the appropriate disposition of complaints, in the public interest.

The Conduct Review Panel has issued Guidance to the Profession on a number of occasions. These notices to the profession have served as opportunities for the Conduct Review Panel to provide Certificants with notice to the type of conduct that is of concern, and provide direction to Certificants with the goal of informing and guiding future conduct.



Jeff Cormier, CFP, CFA

Principal and Senior Wealth Advisor

Cormier Wealth Management

Moncton, NB

Debbie Ammeter, CFP


Winnipeg, MB

Tami Dove, MBA, CFP, RRC, RPA, PMP

Director, Member Experience

Co-operative Superannuation Society

Saskatoon, SK

John Hope, CFP, R.F.P.

Financial Planner

Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc.

London, ON

Mark Leslie, B.A., RRC, CFP

Executive Financial Consultant

IG Wealth Management

Victoria, BC

Dino Scalzo, CFP, CLU, CHS, EPC

Director, Financial Planning & Advice

Canada Life

London, ON

Geraldine Solodky, CFP, B.A, RRC, FCSI

Learning Strategy Manager

CIBC Private Wealth

Kootenay region, BC

Christopher Wight, CPA, CA, CFE

Team Manager, Investigation Services, Professional Regulation

Law Society of Ontario

Toronto, ON


Hearing Panel Roster

The Hearing Panel Roster for FP Canada is composed of CFP professionals and lawyer members. Following referral of a complaint to a discipline hearing, by the Conduct Review Panel, members of the Hearing Panel Roster serve as adjudicators on FP Canada Standards Council Hearing and Appeal Panels in support of the FP Canada Standards Council’s professional-oversight function.



Meagan Balaneski, CFP, R.F.P., CLU, CIM, TEP

Financial Planner

Aligned Capital Partners

Vermilion, Alberta

Mark Bailey, LL.B.

Senior Litigation Counsel, Enforcement Branch

Ontario Securities Commission

Toronto, ON

Tim Bertrand, CFP

Portfolio Manager and Wealth Advisor

Bertrand Wealth Management Group, licensed with RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

Cornwall, ON

Janice Charko, CFP


ENT Vaughan LLP

Vaughan, ON

Stuart L. Dollar, CFP

Director, Tax and Insurance Planning

Sun Life Financial

Waterloo, ON

Claudia Duceac, CFP

Senior Advisor, Financial Planning

National Bank Financial

Repentigny, Quebec

Peter Jong, CFP

Financial Planner

Desjardins Financial Security

Victoria, BC

Adrienne Kirsh, LL.B.

Investigation Counsel, Professional Regulation

Law Society of Ontario

Toronto, ON

Susan Kushneryk, LL.B.


Kushneryk Morgan LLP

Toronto, ON

Jeff Lightheart, CFP

President & Financial Planner

Lightheart Insurance and Financial Services

Regina, SK

Clarence Lui, LL.B.


Reain Lui Stock LLP

Toronto, Ontario

Karen Manarin, LL.B.

Special Advisor, RCMP Toronto Integrated Market Enforcement Team

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Toronto, ON

Joanne C. Moser, LL.B.


Nychuk & Company, Barristers & Solicitors

Regina, Saskatchewan

Brendyn Muise, CFP

Certified Financial Planner

HUB International

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Craig Noon-Ward, CFP

Senior Financial Planner

TD Wealth

Greater Vancouver, BC

Albert Pelletier, LL.B.


Morganti & Co.

Toronto, ON

Jonah Rabinovitch, CFP

Financial Planning Specialist

RBC Wealth Management Services

Ottawa, ON